More Details about the Barium Sulphate

Barytes is naturally occurring barium sulphates with nodular particle structure in extra super snow white (ESSW) and off color (Brown/Gray) and it is a fine free flow powder. It is insoluble in water and has low oil absorption, this coupled with strong crystalline structure and high refractive index helps it to impart strength. Barytes contains minimum 93 to 97% barium sulphate. Barytes occurs in a large number of depositional environments, and is deposited through a large number of processes including biogenic, hydrothermal, and evaporation, among others. Baryte commonly occurs in lead-zinc veins in limestones, in hot spring deposits, and with hematite ore. It is often associated with the minerals anglesite and celestine. It has also been identified in meteorites.

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Applications :

Used as White Pigment for paints.
Used as filler in plastics and as a component of oil well drilling fluid to increase the density.
Used in Powder coatings.
Frequently used clinically as a radiocontrast agent for X-ray imaging and other diagnostic procedures. (Barium meal).
Putty grade blanc fixe is used as a filler in Epoxy Putty manufacturers

Available Packings

  • 25 Kgs White Bags
  • 25 Kgs Yellow Bags
  • 50 Kgs White Bags
  • 50 Kgs Yellow Bags